How did your clients find you?

Note: Photo tips are answers to questions asked on our Facebook page. If you would like to submit a question, please click here to submit your question. We will then post them on our Facebook page and let our fans respond to the question.  We will then transfer the question over to our blog so we can keep them in an organized way for others to see.

Question from Kathrin: “One more question for photographers who run a business: how did your clients find you ? I am new in the city and so starting from beginning. I am too shy to talk to strangers like moms on the playgrounds etc to market myself so looking for inspiration that would bring some paying clients finally,what worked for you ? Thank you !!”

Renae:  i posted photos on my personal page in a ‘sneak peek’ album to let all my friends know that I was busy putting my portfolio together and my biz would be starting up soon. Had the album set to public as well so anyone could see it. I built up a following that way. Word of mouth works a treat

Caitlin: you are not the only one that is shy.

Tarisha: You have to get over your shyness a little bit. Offer a promo for being new in town and rely on word of mouth. Join the local chamber and have your biz card available at functions/meetings. Ask to photograph people – in the supermarket, out on the playground (explain quickly that you’re a photographer). Maybe do a mailer. Find clubs to join or participate in school activities like booster or PTA- the key is to get to know people in you town and get the word circulating. Maybe have family members mention it to coworkers or classmates. Just some ideas. Good luck.

Heather:  You have to get over being shy. I used to be a total introvert but now I’m teaching moms how to take better pictures of there kids. The key is to just make yourself do things outside of your comfort zone. If it makes you uncomfortable, you should do it.

Jaime:  This business will make you come out of your shell. If you really wanna make it happen you gotta put yourself out there.

Albita: Doing a blog, spread the word through friends. Make buissness cards and hand it to the people you start socializing. Take your camara with yiu to the park when you take your kids or friends kids. Trust other mims will start askin g once they see you in action!!   hope it helps

Ami:  Post on local Facebook pages such as mom groups, wedding venues, etc. Hang flyers on local business community boards such as grocery stores, restaurants, etc. Contact baby boutiques and bridal boutiques and ask if you can leave business cards. Rent a table at a local craft show or mom 2 mom sale and have a drawing for a free session, this is also a great way to get leads for future mailers. The more you do the more comfortable you will get. Best of luck to you!

Brett: get business cards printed, with your facebook and website if you got one on it, goto your nearest shopping centres and place them on every car…

Kat: Great idea Brett! You could also take the busines card/flyer to local businesses, or place them on cars at parks during soccer/t-ball games. Good luck!!!

Kat: Vista Print has great rates on brochures and business cards

John:  use vistaprint there great

Lesley:  I’m new to this myself, but here is some of what I’m trying:
– Business cards wheverever they can be placed. Vistaprint, as others have said, has great deals.
– I’ve made posters with some of my photos, what I offer and my business cards hanging. I have these in grocery stores and on other bulletin boards.
– I’ve made a FB page for my business ( North Wind Photography), invited all my friends and ask people to share it periodically to get more followers.
– My e-mail address signature has information about the business so that whoever I contact, for whatever reason, knows who I am, what I do and has access to what I offer.

Apple Blossom: First…..throw that shyness thing to the wind!! You are your best form of marketing, so take advantage of your own mouth. LOL Put business cards out in as many places as you possibly can and if possible, a sample of your work along with them. If there are any local sale papers who offfer free advertising, take advantage of that. Get your pictures before the eyes of as many people as possible. Offer some specials. People will always jump on something if they think they are getting a good deal. Hope these help!

Ashley: being new to a town and having to start all over would be hard, but yes business cards are great, you never want to be caught without them. I did start with doing trade shoots with my family and friends to start a portfolio. One thing I have been thinking about doing is going to the community events with camera in hand, ex- concerts in the park, school fundraisers, etc and if I snap some good pics, watermark them and send to the local paper along with my info. This way you get some exposure and they get a pic to go along with the towns happenings. its an idea, one im hoping to try.

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