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Question from Desiree: “Do you prefer filters or actions?”
Christina: Filters are for your camera and actions are for PS. Two different things.
Elisha: I prefer actions. The filters make everything too fake in my opinion. (if you’re referring to the filters in PS that is).
Joe: filters are not part of the lens in the first place, lenses were not designed to have filters on, they let less light through and create noise, however ND filters actually have a use, unlike UV’s.
Colleen: are you referring to lens filter or PS filter. I have just started to use some of the PS filters…and agree, some of the warming ones are great on skin tones. I still use alot of actions with more complicated recipes, but if I just need some warming on a jpeg….yes, am enjoying using the filters!!
Mollie: If you mean filters on lens vs actions in PS, I’d say actions. You can do more (editing) with an unfiltered photo than you can with one already filtered in-camera.
Desiree: I bought a Wacom tablet and it came with Nik filter program for PS. That’s what I’m referring to not filter for your lenses.
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