Wanting to jump into the ever so popular area of photgoraphy, newborns? Check out what we have going on over on our store! You get 2 newborn guides for the price of 1! Guess what? It’s at an insanely great price too! Not $199.99, not $99.99, both of the guides for $9.99! <– yup that’s
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Hi there! I’m promising myself that this winter there will be a whole lot more blog posting. I was inspired by Oprah and the guests on some of her shows (yeah, I’ve been watching way to much OWN… and QVC, besides the point). Anyways, I wanted to start sharing with you guys inspiring stories of
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So I was going through my old newsletters and found an article I wrote last year about the reveal. It has some great tips, so I thought I would share it again! Please Note: If you have longer than an hour and 15 minutes after your wedding ceremony to do photos – you can pretty
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Offer mini sessions – great time to do this is within the next few weeks to have them in time before the holidays Re-release all your web galleries – Even if its been 3 years, re-release all your web gallerys of sessions & weddings, that way your clients will order some for the holidays.
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