Great job to all of our BP4U FIT PHOTOGS! We are so proud of you, as a whole we lost 63.1 pounds! Keep up the good work! Here’s how you did this week!!!  And the prize this week is a DSLR camera bank!!!! From And the winner is….Kristen…weighing in at 204.8 with a 9.4lb, 4.4% weight loss!!!  We
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Julie Paisley Photography

Julie is a Wedding and Lifestyle photographer based in North Florida but travels worldwide.  She is a wife, mom of two and a teacher.  Julie has been published in several blogs and publications and is recognized for her dreamy, romantic style.   Well, I’m southern through and through!  I love the color peach, I’m obsessed
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Fit Photog Week 3

Are you ready to see what we lost this week???????????????????????????  Due to the large amount of you amazing photographers that are doing this with us, it is taking a little longer to compile everyone’s results. So for right now, we are posting our weight-loss here in the office, and will be posting all of yours
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Soooo…want to know how much we lost?????…………………..drum roll please………….   Brooke: is now 221.6 which is down 6.2 pounds from last week’s 227.8! Alex:  currently weighs in at 167.2  which is 2.6 pounds lighter from last week’s 169.8 pounds Elenora: currently weighs in at 173.2lbs which is .6lbs lighter than last weeks 173.8 pounds and
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