Let’s just admit it – sometimes the mere thought of shooting a themed session with kids is enough to induce a mild round of panic. And for some reason, it’s ALWAYS harder when it’s your own kids. Their tiny attention spans, the I-must-touch-everything kinds of curiosity, the one who always manages to war-paint their face in dirt before the session even begins, it is definitely a crazy ride.
But, armed with a few tips and a healthy dose of preparedness (and several bribes stashed away in that camera bag!) these sessions can produce amazing memories and precious images you will cherish for years to come. So, here are a few little tips for your next themed session!
1.) A little bit of props go a long way! It is difficult while corralling your little models to also be dealing with a bunch of props, and more often than not, the kids just want to play with all your perfectly placed props anyways. Find a few key prop ideas that speak to your vision and be creative with them – An American flag scarf, leftover striped straws from a birthday party, or scraps of fabric tied in a headwrap. For this image (above) I slapped on a little bit of cherry-red lipstick and some aviators, and we were good to go!
2.) Keep them moving! I had my subjects (aka, children) running back and forth with a small flag, twirling in circles, and playing with hats. I gave them small prompts along the way like, “look at the flag while you wave it,” “can you play peek-a-boo with your hat?” and “now freeze! can you see my eye in the lens here?” Keeping little ones occupied while still gently directing them maintains the authenticity of your images and helps keep boredom away. And if that fails, I’m never above a good bribe!
3.) Don’t forget the details! Keep the kids talking, and sneak up close for some detail shots. Little wisps of hair, eyelashes, wrinkled up noses, chubby fingers with chippy fingernail polish – everything that screams childhood and makes the viewer feel present in your images.

About the photographer: I am Noel Walker of Noel Walker Photography! I am a natural light photographer out of South/Central California with a weakness for glitter, coffee and dreamy sun flares. Find more of my work on the Web: Facebook
**the flag used in the session is a decorative scarf**