Featured Photographer: Amanda Holloway

Check out these awesome pictures taken by Amanda Holloway!!! Amanda is a nationally recognized senior photographer for The Woodlands, TX specializing in fashion forward portraits for modern seniors. She provides a boutique experience that is unmatched in her area and continues to book months in advance. Amanda also teaches in person workshops to photographers who
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Featured Photographer: Natasha Tessier

We are really excited to be featuring the Texan photographer: Natasha Tessier.  Natasha Tessier is an award winning boutique style photographer specializing in high school seniors, newborns and family.  Tell us about yourself:  I love the outdoors. Snowboarding, whitewater rafting, fly-fishing and throwing a football with my kids are all things I love to do. 
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Jessica Vaughn and her family.

Featured Photographer: Jessica Vaughn

We have decided to feature more photographers over here on our blog! We are super excited to share with you Jessica Vaughn, a photographer from Indianapolis, Indiana. I absolutely adore Jessica’s work, she actually photographed Broox (my now, 6 month old) when he was a newborn! I’ll share some of those throughout the post. Find
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Tips On Creating Great Light – Part 1

Natalie and Win in the rain For this photo I had my assistant cover the flash in a clear plastic bag and put it about 30 feet away in the rain. I try to carry a large Ziploc bag in my camera bag just in case, for occasions like this. Without putting a gel on
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