Tips on Getting Consistent Shots

Find a few lenses you love and stick with them! Learning to adapt to situations with only a few lenses will make you a better photographer. You will really learn the nuances of your lenses, and you will be able to work quicker and more consistently. Work the natural light! Find natural reflectors everywhere you
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Tips for Shooting a Themed Mini Session

I had just completed a round of glittery sparkly girly mini sessions and wanted to be sure to offer something to my clients of boy moms or for little girls that weren’t quite as princess-y. I started racking my brain for something out of the ordinary that kids love.  Of course one thing led to
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How to adjust tonal values in Lightroom

Learn how to adjust tonal values in Lightroom! With these video tutorials from BP4U, you will learn the ins and outs of Lightroom so you can use it most efficiently! You will learn all about brushes, tools, adjustments, menu items…and so much more! Don’t feel lost again! Skip the drama of countless hours of trial
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