Do you make your clients pay in advance for their session fee?

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Question from Tami: “Do you make your clients pay in advance for their session fee? If so how do you set this up? I have had problems with a lot of cancellations last minute lately. Thanks.”

Stacy: i do 1/2 for a deposit and the other half the day of the shoot…

Reva: yeah i require a deposit. and then the remaining amount at the session!

Jamey: I collect 1/2 as a deposit at the time of booking and the other 1/2 is due 2 days prior to the session. I do all my invoicing through PayPal

Amber: Deffinitally do a deposit becuase if you have more than one person wanting to book on the same day and the person you end up booking cancels you get screwed over twice. all you do is get them to give you a check and if they cancel cash it but if they dont then give it back and take the regular payment

Jael: I request a non-refundable deposit to book and balance paid 1-2 weeks prior to session. If they want to pay on say of session, it must be cash but the non-refundable deposit must be paid when booking is due

Nicole: Yes I make them pay the full session fee at the time of booking! I have had people cancel, when the date could have been filled by someone else. I also had a client not order any pictures because their daughter did not graduate…If I didn’t have them pay for the session fee I would have not been paid at all after putting in many hours of editing!

E Shay:  Full session fee at booking. Their date is not confirmed until they are paid in full and contract signed. Period.

Geneva:  Yes. ESP first time clients it ensures they show up and realize this is a business. It works great!

Casey:  Yes, or else they end up “forgetting payment”

Felisha:  Does anyone use any other payment solutions to collect a deposit or payment?

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