How long after preemies are born do you wait to do their newborn session?

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Question from Karin: “Question for newborn photographers — I’m about to do my first set of twins… which will also be my first preemies – they were born 5 weeks early! Wondering how many of you wait until closer to the due date to photograph them – and how you gauge when the time is right if you’re not basing it off of days old. I don’t want them to lose their pliability but don’t want them to look too tiny and frail either!”

Alicia:  With premies a good rule of thumb (which is silly, cause every baby is different) is that you go by what gestational age they would have been. If they were 5 weeks early, when they are 7 weeks old their adjusted age would be about 2 weeks old – if that makes sense? So if you normally shoot newbies between 4 days-14 days, then you should adjust and shoot when they are 5 weeks+4days – 5 weeks+14 days. BUT every baby is SO different and you might have a fantastically sleepy session with 10 week old babies or 2 week old newborns who just want to be awake. Good luck!

Esta:  I have only done one preemie in my career and we had a bit of a hard time keeping the pacifier out of his mouth. His mother said that they encouraged the pacifier to help teach them how to suck and he became attached to it. Some babies lose their flexibility within the first few weeks out of the womb which eliminates some posing options as well but, I agree that every baby is different.

Sandy:  I did one that was 5 week premature and 9 days old…He just kept curling up in the fetal position which made it really hard to get good shots…I felt that if I had given him another week or so I could have done MUCH better! Good Luck!!

Katie: I did twin preemies and shot them at one month. Worked really well

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