It’s Thursday and you know what that means! Featured photographer time. Today we’re introducing you to Ashley Hempel, an on-location lifestyle photographer from the Quad Cities area (Bettendorf, Davenport, Iowa). She’s built quite a fan base since founding her photography business, and you’ll soon see why. She’s down to earth and has an amazing point of view.
A little about Ashley, in her own words: “I am a mother, daughter, sister and photographer. I am primarily a children’s photographer. I love children, their innocence and mostly their imaginations. I have a big imagination so I tend to get along just fine with them. I have two daughters, Sophia and Olivia, who are my everything. I live and breathe for those girls! My favorite thing to do is laugh. If you can make me laugh, we’ll be great friends. And I love shopping, can’t forget that one!”
Meet Ashley Hempel
When did you first realize you wanted to be a photographer?
When I bought my first camera and could NOT put it down after a few clicks
When and how did you start out in photography?
I bought my first DSLR in 2009 and by 2010, I was shooting friend’s families and children. It was 2011 that I went into the professional side of business.
What inspires you?
My two daughters are my inspiration.
How do you get your ideas for sessions?
My mind never stops. Ideas come to me when I am in my car and usually when I am trying very hard to fall asleep!
How would you describe your style?
I would say I am a candid photographer. I try to tell a story in every frame.
What’s in your gear bag?
- Canon 5D Mark iii
- Canon 5D Mark ii (back-up)
- 70-200L 2.8
- 85L 1.2
- 24-70L 2.8
- 35L 1.4
- 100L 2.8 macro
What’s one lens you can’t live without?
Definitely the 35mm!
How did know when the right time to start charging was?
When I felt I was worth it.
How much did you charge for your first session and how much are you charging for the same type of session now?
I think my first sessions were around $75. My packages start at a minimum of $150
How did you market yourself when you started out?
Word of mouth has been the biggest growth of my business
Name the first person who comes to mind when you think of the following:
- Newborn photographer: Baby as Art
- Wedding photographer: Matt Miller from Our Labor of Love
- Lifestyle photographer: Summer Murdock Photography
- Most inspiration person: Barb Uil from JinkyArt Photography
Did you go to school for photography or were you self- taught? If self-taught, what helped you the most?
I am self-taught. Watching video tutorials, reading any and every photography book out there helped so much. And of course, practice and practice some more!
What has been some of the hardest things to overcome in your business?
Being too hard on myself and my work and taking people’s opinion’s with a grain of salt. I used to want every single person to like my work, but I have realized how everybody is different and beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.
Do you have any tips for photographers just starting out?
Never compare your work with other photographers’ work.
If for some reason you couldn’t be a photographer what do you think you would be?
Fashion designer for sure!
What’s the best lesson in photography (business or shooting) that you’ve learned so far?
Never compare yourself to others.
What are your thoughts on props?
I like to keep it simple. I am not a big fan of a ton of props for one image. In my opinion, less is more, but I have seen some pretty amazing setups before so I guess it just depends on how the shoot is executed.
Find Ashley Hempel online:
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