4 Tips for Getting Potential Clients to Reach Out After You’ve Packed Up

This is Part Three in a three part series on setting up and running a successful photographer booth at festivals, fairs and trade shows. Click here for Part One (Booth Must-Haves for Trade Shows for Bridal and Portrait Photographers) and click here Part Two (Surefire Ways to Draw People to Your Booth).

You’ve gone out of your way to bring all those photographer booth must-haves and have pulled out all the stops to get people to stop and say hello. Now how do you make sure all those people you talked to actually follow through?

The reality is that not everyone you meet will reach out after you’ve packed up your booth. Your goal, however, is to get as high of a “return” percentage as possible. Set a goal in your mind for what you want that percentage to be. If you’re new to photography booths, maybe it’s 5 or 10 percent. If you’re a seasoned pro, maybe it’s 25 percent. Whatever that magic number is, keep it in your mind throughout the day and work toward reaching your goal.

Below are 4 helpful tips that’ll help you maximize your post-show returns.

#1 Give them Incentive to “Like” You on the Spot
It’s no secret that Facebook and other social media platforms are a major way to advertise. And they’re free, to boot! If you can get people to “like” your page on Facebook, they’ll see your business in their news feed on a regular basis and will be far more likely to book you. So how do you get them to “like” you on the spot? Easy! Give them something in exchange for being a Facebook (or Twitter, Instagram, etc.) follower. For example: A 10% off coupon, a free photo album with session purchase, a $40 gift certificate, etc. Heck — even a popsicle, bottle of water or piece of candy may do the trick!

#2 Make Them Want to Give You Their Contact Info
A plain ol’ piece of paper on a clipboard isn’t very enticing. The solution? Get creative. For example, you can set up a typewriter and have guests type their first/last name and email address (one per line). Another idea is to have a raffle that requires them to submit their business card/contact info into a large dish. Following the show, you can kindly let the non-winners know they didn’t win a prize, but offer a special discount to them for entering (along with the option to subscribe to an e-newsletter if they haven’t already). Alternatively, offer visitors a discount up front just for signing up for your email blasts.

#3 Offer a Substantial Discount for Booking at Your Booth
Though many people don’t make their photographer decision lightly, you can book sessions on the spot. The first key: really showcase your work so potential clients have a solid feel for what you can do. The second key: give them some financial incentive. If they’re on the fence about whether or not they want to book you, offering a worthwhile discount for booking at your booth, as Aria Photography did above, may sway them in your favor.

#4 Genuinely Get To Know Booth Visitors
Go out of your way to be genuinely friendly with anyone who stops by your booth. That may sound easy, but making a connection with a potential client requires a delicate approach. You want to ask the right questions and, of course, avoid sounding like a car salesmen. All the while, you need to convey who you are as a photographer and a person. Booking sessions is your goal, yes, but you have to win people over personality-wise before you can sell them anything!