How do I shoot an outdoor night session?

Note: Photo tips are answers to questions asked on our Facebook page. If you would like to submit a question, please click here to submit your question. We will then post them on our Facebook page and let our fans respond to the question.  We will then transfer the question over to our blog so we can keep them in an organized way for others to see.

Question from Ashley: “I just booked a client who has an awesome idea but Im not sure how to capture it. Her husband is one of those extreme holiday decorators and they are very proud of that. So for their holiday portraits they want to do a night time shoot with the setting being their decorated house. I have never shot at night before, so Im not really sure how to go about this. Any suggestions”

Jessica: Use an off camera flash to fill them in once you’ve exposed for the house lights/decorations?

David: Double exposure + tripod. Have family pose still for 2 or three shots. Expose for the house, then 2nd shot expose for the family (with flash or lights) and blend in photoshop.

Rachel:  Also don’t shoot when it’s fully dark but just at twilight when there’s still a little light in the sky. Once it’s fully dark, it won’t look as good. It would be a good idea to do test shots a day or two ahead of the official set up so you can get the settings right. The peak lighting time is fairly short.

Justina:  Off camera flash. You can also paint them with light but if you’re good with photoshop David’s suggestion would be easiest.

Ashley: Hi guys! Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I am NOT good with photoshop lol I’m a Lightroom girl and JUST bought photoshop. I def will do some test shots a day or two before. Ill have to post what I come up with. Keep the ideas coming!’ : )

Summer: Crank your ISO up as well. It will help expose the darker it gets.

David:  If your camera has a HDR mode or you can HDR it in lightroom you can get a good look as long as it not too dramatic and metallic looking. with 2 or 3 exposures blended.

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