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Question from Valerye: “How can I protect/lock my photos when I post them on social networks?”
Amie: you can`t the only thing you can do is watermark them
Rachel: Watermark
Reva: you can’t. i know a few photogs who put their watermark across the iimage. but you can’t block someone right clicking an image and saving the photo. if you need a client to proof a photo, try smugmug.
Michelle: Learned that the hard way… watermarking is my best friend in photography now though!
Jamie: You can’t.
John: watermark mine
Becky: Watermark and crop down.
Daniel: Yup, I always watermark mine
Kristen: I know on flickr there are protected images and sometimes when you save flicjr images they become bitmap images and are creappy quality idk how to do it or make it happen
Dena: Learn about metadata.
Metadata may be written into a digital photo file that will identify who owns it, copyright & contact information, what camera created the file, along with exposure information and descriptive information such as keywords about the photo, making the file searchable on the computer and/or the Internet. Some metadata is written by the camera and some is input by the photographer and/or software after downloading to a computer.
Belinda: I use metadata (ie name, watermark etc) then i watermark them and resize to 600×400 pixels
Stephanie: Oooo 600×400 is good tip… Thank you!
George: i use a watermark
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